Violet. CP Warrior Princess
Violet, has complex medical needs and needs 24 hour care.
Violet has been diagnosed with ‘Spastic Cerebral Palsy’ (affecting all four of her limbs), Dystonia (chronic involuntary muscle contractions) ‘ESES’ Epilepsy and a rare chromosome disorder.
Her day usually starts at around 5am where she is given a multitude of medications through her stomach tube.
Violet’s health is a constant worry to her parents and she spends a lot of time in hospital. Even the common cold virus can be devastating for Violet’s little body, resulting into a period of time in hospital and her little body pumped full of steroids and antibiotics. .
Violet has recently been diagnosed with ‘ESES’ Epilepsy. This is rare, and it is evil. She is suffering from lots of side-effects while the hospital tried to get the treatment and dosage right. It stresses and strains her little body and it affects her cognitive learning… but still she continues to smile… .
Violet, and her twin brother Henry, have the most amazing parents who are not only kind & loving but hardworking, inspirational and very determined. Her Mum, Becky, is Violet’s primary carer, but she still finds the time to write letters, raise funds, fight policy and dispute decisions. Almost everything is a constant battle, from the equipment and help that Violet desperately needs, Disabled badges, disabled access, schools, help and respite care, diagnosis, specialist appointments, hospital treatment the list goes on and on!
Violet’s Dad is their ‘rock’, their strength and their hero… But even he has reached that point where your legs buckle and your heart breaks for the little girl who just wants to smile….
Unfairly, everything is hard. Each day brings new challenges, some successes, many failures and stresses, but Violets’ Parents continue their fight for Violet… CP Warrior Princess.